Debbie’s Blogs


Did You Learn to Love?

As I was studying for my ordination, I came across the true story of the late prophet Bob Jones. He died and went to heaven. The Lord said to him, “Bob, did you learn to love?” Bob realized…


Kindness Makes all the Difference

I left the doctor’s office bawling… Not from the pain of the seven injections I had just received in the bottom of my foot, but rather overwhelmed by the kindness from the doctor who administered them…


Rest is Your Weapon!

This past week, I got slammed physically and was feeling the burden of everyone around me also getting slammed by the enemy. It was weighty. One morning as I was attempting to gather enough strength to get out of bed, I cried out to the Lord, “I’m battle weary Lord, I’m battle weary!” I had been doing everything I knew to do…


You Shift the Atmosphere!

My husband and I have been watching “The Chosen” series. It is such a powerful tool in bringing the scriptures to life. We can actually feel the presence of God in the room when we are watching.

As believers, we carry the presence of God. Our bodies are temples where the Holy Spirit, the Holy presence of God, chooses…


Love Letter From Heaven

It is not an accident that you are reading this letter right now. I led you to it. I brought it to your attention because the words are just for you, for this exact moment in history. This is no coincidence! You have not yet experienced the fullness of My love for you…