Mentorship Opportunities

For individual or group mentoring with Debbie, please send a request to:

All proceeds go toward advancing the Kingdom of God

  • Are you ready for the next step in fulfilling your dreams?

  • Are you needing someone to help you get unstuck?

  • Do you need another perspective?

  • Are you longing for encouragement and edification?

"Debbie has been a wonderful facilitator in three prophetic mentorship groups that I have been privileged to be a part of. Her joyful nature and gifts in teaching and ministering prophetically have so encouraged and inspired me that I have now started in one-on-one prophetic mentorship with her. Debbie's knowledge and experience in the Word and in the Spirit is such a blessing and is taking me to a new level in God. So thankful!"

Barbara - M.Ed., Registered Psychotherapist

“I took two classes from Debbie: “Prophetic Warriors” and “Parents of Prodigals”. Her teaching was based on the Scriptures and hearing from the Lord.

The Prophetic Warriors course helped me to hear from the Lord as well as connected me with other people wanting to grow in the prophetic. Debbie creates a comfortable environment that encourages all students to participate, prophesy, and share their views. 

She truly understands the heart of God. For example; she proactively reaches out, encourages and connects prodigals and non-believers to Jesus Christ in the marketplace. She also teaches and trains believers globally to grow them in the things of God. 

She is a mighty woman of God who carries courage and boldness. She does not compromise on God’s laws, yet she has a sweet, gentle and humble heart.”

Yeong V.

“Working with Debbie has been a JOY. She exudes an excitement for life and the things of God unlike anyone else I know. Even in tackling heavy topics, she makes it feel light and manageable. Debbie is a gifted teacher and facilitator. She clearly has intimate knowledge of the scriptures, and a thriving relationship with God. Her insights and revelations have been very thought-provoking, and have stretched me in ways I did not expect. Every time we speak I feel seen, heard, valued, and incredibly loved. If you have the opportunity to work with Debbie, then take it! You will not be disappointed.”

Susan S - Author, Licensed Counselor, Business Alignment Therapist

“Debbie walks in such grace, confidence, and humility as she shares from a place of a spirit of wisdom and revelation. Her counsel is full of truth and insight. It touches the heart and brings an awareness and illumination in ways that challenge the "status quo" in one's life. At the same time, she shares from such a place of gentleness and love, inviting the person receiving counsel to see things from the Father's perspective. I highly recommend the ministry of Debbie Bilek.”

Beth M - RN

“Debbie Bilek is the true embodiment of a good and faithful servant of the Lord. My life would not have been the same had Debbie not come into it! She took my broken and crushed spirit and breathed new life into it by speaking the Word of the Lord over me and imparting many strategies from heaven. She called out my destiny and completely changed the course of my life and that of my family's. She showed me how to hunger after the Lord, to plead the blood of Jesus over every part of my life, to see His face in all things, and to know that as a child of the Living God, I can know the peace, love, and incredible joy of heaven on this earth. She speaks the very oracles of God when she prays and her heart radiates the love and goodness of Jesus. I am so grateful to call Debbie Bilek my precious friend and mentor. Anyone who is hungry for the Lord and wants to become a destiny changer will be completely blessed by Debbie and her gift of prophesy and mentorship.”

Dr. Carolyn, Naturopath