Rest is Your Weapon

Rest is your weapon!

This past week, I got slammed physically and was feeling the burden of everyone around me also getting slammed by the enemy. It was weighty. One morning as I was attempting to gather enough strength to get out of bed, I cried out to the Lord, “I’m battle weary Lord, I’m battle weary!” I had been doing everything I knew to do, warring spiritually over friends, loved ones, leaders, and my family. I was worshipping, decreeing, praying in the Spirit, taking communion, asking forgiveness, giving thanks, pleading the blood of Jesus, etc. etc. I was exhausted and now sick! 

As I laid there, I heard the Lord say, “Rest is your weapon.” I thought, “Rest?” Okay! Now THAT is something I can do! I gave myself permission to just rest. After all, God told me to! As I closed my eyes, my thoughts began running rampant. I began to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). One by one, as they came to mind, I handed them over to God. 

Then I saw a vision. As my eyes were closed, words began scrolling at a very rapid pace right in front of me. The best way I can describe it is if you were holding your cell phone and scrolling really fast through your texts, or through facebook, or a news channel. I saw words, colors, paragraphs, etc, but it was going so fast that I couldn’t make out any of the words. I asked the Lord to slow it down so I could read it. He said, “Your job is to rest as I download to you.” It was SO awesome! As I laid there with my eyes closed, the Lord was downloading revelation to my heart and mind. 

Then He gave me the Bible verse Psalm 16:7, “I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me.” Wow! Even as I sleep, the Lord will provide revelation-wisdom and knowledge. I confidently knew that when I woke up, I would have fresh insight as to what to do, what to say, what to write for every situation I would face the next day. 

God is faithful, and needless to say, it all came to pass. So here I am to encourage you my brothers and sisters…. REST REST REST! If you are feeling battle weary, rest is your weapon. 

Debbie Bilek