You Shift the Atmosphere!

My husband and I have been watching “The Chosen” series. It is such a powerful tool in bringing the scriptures to life. We can actually feel the presence of God in the room when we are watching.

As believers, we carry the presence of God. Our bodies are temples where the Holy Spirit, the Holy presence of God, chooses to live when we invite Him in. WOW!!!

Recently I read an article by Matt Sorger that says:

“I have learned an interesting thing about the human heart. Scientists have discovered that the human heart releases a natural energy flowing at least ten feet from its surface. All around your body there is a ten foot natural energy field radiating from your heart. As a result scientists call the heart the “sun of the body”. Scripture tells us something amazing about our heart. Gal 4:6 says that the Holy Spirit has been sent to live in our hearts. So not only do you have natural energy radiating from your heart, but you also have the presence and power of the Holy Spirit radiating from there as well! As a new covenant believer filled with the Spirit, you have at least a ten foot radius of God’s presence overflowing from within you.”

This is incredible! We truly have the ability to shift the atmosphere around us. Like Peter, our shadows should be healing people when we pass by! (Acts 5:15)

I have begun to pray before walking into grocery stores, banks, businesses, doctor offices, hospitals, and other buildings, that the glory of the Lord would radiate out of me to release His healing, deliverance, peace, joy, comfort, love, and whatever is needed in the lives of those I will come in contact with each day. 

Join me in releasing His glory, His power, and His presence to radically transform every place where the soles of our feet tread. (Joshua 1:3).  Be the difference in somebody’s life. Set free those who are bound in depression, addiction, illness, fear, physical and mental torment. Jesus came to set us free. Freely you have received, freely give (Matt. 10:8).

Debbie Bilek