Love Letter from Heaven

Precious one,

It is not an accident that you are reading this letter right now. I led you to it. I brought it to your attention because the words are just for you, for this exact moment in history. This is no coincidence! You have not yet experienced the fullness of My love for you.

You are not here by mere chance. This is a divine moment, orchestrated by the God Who loves you, the God Who knows you intimately. Feel My presence drawing near to you. I’m wooing you back home. I’m calling you into the fullness of your destiny. There is a collision going on in your head and your heart as you read these words. It’s time My child, it’s time.

Your heart has been wounded beyond repair. Cruel words, ugly actions, betrayal, devastation, loss, lies, and evil have surrounded you. You are sinking and feel as if there is no escape. Today I am swooping in and performing heart surgery on you. I heard you crying in the night. I have caught every one of your tears in a bottle to be poured out as a sweet fragrance of My love for you. Yield to My will. Don’t fight it. Allow yourself to be as clay in the Potter's Hands. I am the potter. You are the clay. I will take your broken life and make it beautiful. I will take your ashes and turn them to beauty. I will turn your mourning into dancing. 

You are Mine. Listen as I call your name. Today I am giving you a new name. Today is a new day. I am marking you as Mine and you will never be the same. Don’t look back. Only look forward. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. 

I sent My Son, Jesus Christ, into the world not to condemn the world, but to save the world. He died a brutal death on the cross taking on the sins of the world to reconcile your very life back to Mine. I am a Holy God and I cannot tolerate sin. Because of what My Son did for you, I now only see Him when I look at you. This is a moment you do not want to miss. Embrace it! Embrace the finished work of the cross. Your life will never be the same. 

Your loving Father

Philippians 3:13-14

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”